What to Expect on the Day of a Lip Filler Treatment
All of our lip filler treatments are quick, painless, and require no downtime. On the day of your appointment, your specialist will walk you through the procedure and the techniques they will be using. Your assigned specialist will explain which lip filler they will be using on you. Lip filler results will be discussed to ensure you have realistic expectations.
The first step is to ensure that your face is clean before the injection. You will use either a cold compress or numbing cream to make your experience more tolerable and painless. The second step is the injection with a fine needle. Injections are marked beforehand and will take only a few seconds.
After your lip injection, it’s normal for our team to massage the area so the filler is evenly dispersed gently. We will then examine the treated area and add more filler if necessary. This process will continue until you are both satisfied with your appearance.
Lip filler injections take approximately 20 to 30 minutes and require virtually no downtime after the procedure because they are minimally invasive. That means you can go back to nearly all of your daily activities as soon as your procedure ends.
Lip Fillers recovery
The majority of our patients do not experience any side effects from lip fillers. However, some redness and swelling will occur since lips contain so many blood vessels. These should subside within a few hours but can take as long as a day. You can use an ice pack and over-the-counter pain medication to alleviate any discomfort. Your assigned specialist can also recommend topical gels or ointments to soothe any irritation you may experience.
We always recommend avoiding any intense or strenuous activity for the first 24 – 48 hours not to increase blood flow and minimize any swelling or bruising, but you can do most of your normal activities without worry. To minimize swelling, you can apply ice packs at 20-minute intervals throughout the day as part of your lip filler aftercare. You will also need to keep your head elevated at night while sleeping. You may feel a bit tender for the next day or so, but you shouldn’t require any pain medication.
The treated areas may initially appear “overfilled,” but this will settle within a day.